Sunday, 28 July 2013


Tucky, 3 - Crafting, crafting, crafting... Love seeing him experiment.

Banjo, 2 - "Busy me, mumma no." Her words are coming on and with it, so is her attitude! I love how intent she gets on doing things HER way. Not sure where her stubbornness comes from...

Sunday, 21 July 2013


Tucky, 3 - Whistling while he works. 

Banjo, 2 - Kisses for Ducky in the front yard. She didn't know we were watching her.

Saturday, 13 July 2013


Tucky, 3 - "Have you been in the baby powder again Tucky.
               "Pat your head please."
               "Maybe just a wittle bit of powder Mumma."

Banjo, 2 - Trying on my scarves. Growing up so quickly the little clown.

Sunday, 7 July 2013


Tucky, 3 - The best thing about Mumma's sandcastles? Knocking them down.

Banjo, 2 - No nap, late afternoon and a very cranky girl. See, she's not always happy!

Sunday, 30 June 2013


Tucky, 3 - A break in the weather means a trip to feed the ducks. Lucky Dad is a baker so we have an unlimited supply of bread!

Banjo, 2 - Safe and warm and dry on Daddy's lap. Where else would a little girl want to be?

I'm loving these winter days. Yes, it's rainy and muddy and the washing just won't dry but when we get a gap in the weather and the sun comes out we find ourselves at the most extraordinary places right near our house with no one around. We really are lucky to live in a town like Newcastle, there's always something to do outside if you just take the initiative to look.

Sunday, 23 June 2013


Tucky, 3 - Running of those winter, cooped up sillies. In a break in the weather we bolted to his favourite beach creek. Sure, it was sub-zero, and sure, I hadn't expected him to strip down but hey, if it calms him down what does it matter?

Banjo, 2 - The only one who stayed out of the rain. What could be better than sitting on a warm bonnet watching the rain while the rest of us suffered under a wind and rain swept tree.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013


Tucky, 3- Learning to use chopsticks. An amazing woman I have never met sent them over from Japan. I am so lucky to be included in a group of super supportive mother's, most of whom I have never met despite sharing all our intimate day-to-day family struggles. But seriously, he ate his entire dinner with chopsticks!

Banjo, 2- So peaceful. Asleep in her new big bed in her brothers room. Hoping to make the full switch in the next few weeks all ready for when new bub comes along in October. 

Monday, 10 June 2013


Tucky, 3- Arrrrgh... he be a pirate!

Banjo, 2- Banjo v. Sago Pudding. Very, very glad I positioned the battle on the front step. 

Friday, 7 June 2013


It's not of my children but is definitely my children. (I've never been known to follow the rules all that well...)

My two whirling dervishes were off on an adventure with their Nan. Before they leave the house they need to do their chores. Make their bed, PJ's under their pillow and tidy their toys. I found these two cuddling on the chair next to my work desk. 

I asked Tucky (3) why his favourite Woody and Banjo's (2) favourite Teddy were hanging out with me. 

"They get lonely when we're gone. Maybe you could hug them too if you get lonely without us?" 


Thursday, 6 June 2013


A family of injuries and sickness.

Tucky 3, About to lose his nail after a run in with a sliding door. I've bought fancy band-aids for the occasion so he assures me he'll pull through. But "Just Mumma, only just pull through."

Banjo 2, A headful of winter snot won't keep this little girl down. Wearing her brothers beanie and tshirt seems to help.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013


Tucky, 3: Icleaned his room. Ten minutes left alone and he's trashed it and fallen asleep for a little snooze. Little bugger!

Banjo, 2: Learning to stand unaided. Very, very proud of herself.

Monday, 20 May 2013


Tucky 3: Having an early morning jam with his Dad. What he lacks in ability he makes up for in spirit!

Banjo 2: Our little lady has a mild physical disability and is yet to walk on her own unaided. She'll get there. This to me is a view of what's to come...

Tuesday, 14 May 2013


A bit late to the party but here we are, one portrait of each of my children each week. Let's see how long I can keep this going...

Banjo, 2. Getting sprung on the top step trying to put on her brothers shoes. Newly cut fringe by me, can you tell I'm not an hairdresser?

Tucky, 3. On our amazing Mother's Day adventure. In the middle of telling me how sand is made. The kid knows things. This photo made me realise how much he is growing up. He's just like his father and that's not a bad thing. 

Monday, 13 May 2013

Mothers Day.

I was thinking about what I want from Mother's Day. Sure, I'd love some new jewellery or some other bright shiny trinket but really, will I remember these in the years to come? 

I think I got what I needed. A sleep in. A hot coffee on the front step in the sun while the hubby and kids were out shopping. A chance to get ready slowly and all by myself. Then a pressie, lots of cuddles, an "I love You!" leaf and then a day out away from everyone with just my family. 

This photo of my Mothers Day is priceless.