Sunday, 28 July 2013


Tucky, 3 - Crafting, crafting, crafting... Love seeing him experiment.

Banjo, 2 - "Busy me, mumma no." Her words are coming on and with it, so is her attitude! I love how intent she gets on doing things HER way. Not sure where her stubbornness comes from...

Sunday, 21 July 2013


Tucky, 3 - Whistling while he works. 

Banjo, 2 - Kisses for Ducky in the front yard. She didn't know we were watching her.

Saturday, 13 July 2013


Tucky, 3 - "Have you been in the baby powder again Tucky.
               "Pat your head please."
               "Maybe just a wittle bit of powder Mumma."

Banjo, 2 - Trying on my scarves. Growing up so quickly the little clown.

Sunday, 7 July 2013


Tucky, 3 - The best thing about Mumma's sandcastles? Knocking them down.

Banjo, 2 - No nap, late afternoon and a very cranky girl. See, she's not always happy!